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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Blog Post 2

binary tunnel
Did You Know? 3.0
This video was mind-blowing. It is almost hard to believe how fast the human population is growing, and the numbers they showed were only in 2 or 3 countries. I already knew how fast technology advances quickly, but certain aspects I never knew of or even thought of, such as the fiber optics. It is easy for me to believe that there are jobs today that did not exist four years ago. I'm curious to know what those in-demand jobs are. It was also interesting to find out teachers are training children for jobs that don't even exist yet. It was certainly an eye opening video.

Mr. Winkle Wakes
 Mr. Winkle Wakes offered a different perspective on our time period. Technology has come a long way in a hundred years. Technology has become a large part on how society functions these days. It was a creative video that makes you think about technology, but also points out a flaw in the education system. Mr. Winkle looked to escape all the technology, and he found his escape at school. Everywhere else, he was surrounded by technology. It was in offices, homes, and hospitals. Children were learning important lessons with reading, writing, and math, but they must also be taught how to use the technological advancements. They will face it when they enter the work force no matter what. Teachers prepare children for the future, and technology is now part of it.

The Importance of Creativity

Ken Robinson is brilliant. I agree with everything he said. The current public education heirarchy is flawed. In high school, my best classes were the ones others labeld as useless. I was decent at math and sciences, but i excelled in art, english, and history. I love to read. I love to draw and do photography. I love being creative, and that creativity was squelched by my "educators". I was scolded for drawing during class when we were doing nothing. The education system needs to change to put value on the arts. My friends and I have always done well with the arts, and we were all put down because we weren't the best in math or chemistry. Every body has different talents. Some people are meant to be doctors and professors. Others were meant to be musicians and photographers. The current public education system and heirarchy boosts the importance of certain classes over others, when they should all be equally important. The musician can be just as important and successful as the lawyer. Why should artists be denied a fair and equal education?

Ciela Gault

The video will not load, so I will return and edit this blog post with a response.

Vicki Davis

This video is also brilliant. It is a wonderful idea to not only teach them how to use more than one technology, but also to get them to teach themselves and even the teacher. I know from expierence that I was more apt to pay attention when technology was involved in the classroom, regardless of the class. I also enjoy Ms. Davis's changing of the "burp back" form of education. She is more of a coach than a teacher, just as Dr. Strange is. It is a brilliant and wonderful form of teaching that I personally believe should be used more.

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